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Cookie Policy

1. Cookie Policy:

1.1. The company "SERVICIOS DE PROGRAMACIÓN ESTRUCTURADA Y DISEÑO DE PAGINAS WEB, S.L." (hereinafter, "SCRABIN"), with CIF: B-67235960, and located at Calle Padre Luque, número 1, 1º Iz. - 04001 - Almeria – España, and with contact email: [email protected], informs you that, according to article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, as well as in Recital (30) GDPR, this website uses both own and third-party cookies for various purposes.

1.2. A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the user's computer/smartphone/tablet when they access certain web pages to store and retrieve information about the browsing that is done from that device. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their device and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their device, they can be used to recognize the User.

1.3. SCRABIN is required by Royal Decree-law 13/2012, which amends Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, to inform and obtain the User's consent regarding the use of cookies on this Website.

1.4. The User can find out about the use of Cookies in the Guide prepared by the AEPD: https://www.aepd.es/sites/default/files/2019-12/guia-cookies_1.pdf


2. Types of cookies:

2.1. Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, two types can be distinguished: own cookies and third-party cookies.

2.2. There is also a second classification according to the length of time they remain stored in the client's browser, which may be session cookies or persistent cookies.

2.3. Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent cookies. The former expire when the user closes the browser. The latter expire when the purpose for which they serve is fulfilled (for example, so that the user remains identified on the website) or when they are manually deleted.

Additionally, depending on their purpose, cookies can be classified as follows:

  • Strictly necessary (technical): These are essential for the proper functioning of the page. They are usually generated when the user accesses the website or logs in and are used to identify the user on the website with the following objectives:
    • Keep the user identified so that if they leave the website, the browser, or the device and return to the website later, they will remain identified, facilitating their navigation without having to identify themselves again.
    • Check if the user is authorized to access certain services or areas of the website.
  • Performance: Used to improve the browsing experience and optimize the operation of the website, such as storing service settings or storing the purchase made in a shopping cart.
  • Advertising: These collect information about the ads shown to users of the website. They can be of two types:
    • Anonymous: They only collect information about the advertising spaces shown on the website, regardless of the user accessing the website, that is, without expressly identifying them.
    • Personalized: They collect personal information from the website user by a third party, for the personalization of those advertising spaces.
  • Geo-location: These cookies are used to find out in which country or region the user is when accessing a service on the website in order to offer content or services appropriate to their location.
  • Analytics: Collect information about the user's browsing experience on the website, usually anonymously, although sometimes they also allow unique and unequivocal identification of the user in order to obtain reports on users' interests in the services offered by the website.

3. Cookies used on this Website:

3.1. Below are the cookies being used on this Website along with their types and functions. Behavioral advertising cookies:

  • DoubleClick: Our website uses Google Analytics (advertising cookies), a service provided by Google, Inc. (Google). It creates reports related to SCRABIN activity and provides other services connected with SCRABIN activity. You can find more information about DoubleClick cookies here.
  • Google Adwords Conversion: Our website uses Google Adwords (third-party advertising cookies), a service provided by Google, Inc. (Google). It inserts advertisements on the SCRABIN website. You can find more information about Adwords conversion cookies here.
  • Google Dynamic Remarketing: Our website uses Google Dynamic Remarketing (third-party advertising cookies), a service provided by Google, Inc. (Google). It inserts advertisements on the SCRABIN website. You can find more information about Dynamic Remarketing cookies here.

3.2. SCRABIN uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on web pages. In your browser, you can see 4 cookies from this service (__utma, __utmb, __utmt, __utmc, and __utmz). According to the above typology, these are own, session, and analysis cookies. You can find more information and disable the use of these cookies by clicking here, a service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company with its main office at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ("Google"). Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can refuse the processing of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above. Description of the indicated Cookies:

  • Cookie Name: _utma
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Page visits Purpose: _utma is used to track the visitor and is persistent, meaning it does not expire unless the cookies are deleted. Each browser that visits a page is assigned a unique identifier through the _utma cookie. Thus, subsequent visits to the site through the same browser are recorded as belonging to the same visitor (particular). Expiration: 2 years from the end of the last visit
  • Cookie Name: _utmb
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Visitor sessions Purpose: _utmb is used to determine the session of a visitor. It is set when a visitor enters the site and ends when they stop on a page of the site for more than 30 minutes or 30 minutes after they leave the site Expiration: 30 minutes after the end of the session or after the activity has stopped
  • Cookie Name: _utmc
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Visitor sessions Purpose: _utmc is also used to determine the session of a visitor. It is set when a visitor enters the site. Expiration: End of the session
  • Cookie Name: _utmz
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Links and conversions Purpose: utmz is used to find out how the visitor arrived, for example, through the result of a search engine, a direct link, or an advertisement that links to the site. The cookie's value string parameters are parsed and sent in the GIF Request (in the utmcc variable). The cookie's expiration date is set to 6 months. The cookie is updated with each subsequent visit to a page and is used to determine the visitor's navigation within the site. Expiration: 6 months from the end of the last visit
  • Cookie Name: _utmt
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Links and conversions Purpose: utmt is used to determine the type of request required by the user. The cookie's expiration date is set to the end of the session. Expiration: At the end of the session
  • Cookie Name: ga
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Links and conversions Purpose: _ga is used to control unique visitors to the website, stores a unique client identifier Expiration: 2 years
  • Cookie Name: gid
    Originating Page(s): The first page visited by the user Originating Party (Third-party): Google Analytics. Developed by Google Inc. Data collected by the cookie: Links and conversions Purpose: _gid is used to distinguish users Expiration: 24 hours

Strictly necessary cookies such as those that ensure proper navigation and ensure that the content of the web page loads efficiently.

Social media cookies used by SCRABIN

We use social media to enhance your visit and improve your experience. The different services we use install the following cookies:

Cookie Name/s Source Expires Description
APISID, HSID, SAPISID, SID, SSID google.es and google.com 2 years User identification on Google. Google's privacy policy
PREF youtube.com 2 years Cookie on embedded YouTube videos. This cookie may store session preferences related to your activity when viewing a video.
More information:
Cookie Consent www.scrab.in 1 year Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
exp_csrf_token www.scrab.in 1 day Ensures secure visitor navigation by preventing cross-site request forgery (CSRF). This cookie is essential for web and visitor security
exp_tracker www.scrab.in Session Cookie Contains information about when the user last visited the website.
Used to generate statistical data.
YSC youtube.com At the end of the session Contains a unique identifier to allow control of visits to YouTube videos.
fbsr_* www.scrab.in At the end of the session Technical information for Facebook social services.
datr, reg_fb_ref, reg_fb_gate, locale facebook.com At the end of the session Identifies the user in the Facebook network.


The legal basis for processing is your consent (free, specific, informed, and unequivocal). You may revoke your consent by following the instructions in the following section.


In relation to the use of cookies on this website described in the previous section, the user authorizes and consents to their use as follows: When the user accesses any page of the SCRABIN website, they will see a notice indicating that the SCRABIN website uses cookies, and the user can accept or reject their use through their browser settings. If the user does not configure their browser to disable cookies, by browsing the SCRABIN website and using its services, the user accepts the use of cookies.

3.5. When the User accesses the profiles of SCRABIN on various social networks, they accept the use of cookies by these networks, as described in their respective privacy policies:

  • For more information about Facebook, click here
  • For more information about LinkedIn, click here
  • For more information about Instagram, click here
  • For more information about YouTube, click here
  • For more information about "X", click here

3.6. Due to the characteristics of the Internet, we do not always have information about the cookies placed by third parties through this website. Therefore, if you encounter this type of cookies on this website and they are not described here, please let us know. You can also contact the third party directly to request information about the cookies they place, the purpose and duration of the cookie, and how they ensure user privacy.


On July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted a new adequacy decision to enable international transfers of personal data between entities of the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) that take place under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. Following the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of July 16, 2020, known as the Schrems II Judgment, international transfers of personal data to the US were questioned due to the issues identified by the CJEU, related to US surveillance practices and the lack of mechanisms for European citizens to address infringements on their rights.

With this adequacy decision, the European Commission recognizes that the US ensures a level of protection equivalent to that offered by the EU, but only when international transfers take place with entities certified under the new privacy framework, the EU-US Data Privacy Framework.

Therefore, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE, personal data will circulate securely from the European Union to US companies participating in the Framework, without the need to establish additional data protection guarantees.

Other international transfers to the US: Both the safeguards adopted and the legislative changes that have occurred in the US will facilitate the use of guarantees such as standard contractual clauses or binding corporate rules.

This does not exclude the fact that conducting an impact analysis on any transfer, "Transfer Impact Assessment," made outside the EU-US Data Privacy Framework will still be necessary. The adequacy decision ensures that data transmission between the EU and the US is possible through a stable and reliable agreement that protects individuals and provides legal certainty to companies.


In any case, the user can configure their browser to accept, or not, the cookies they receive or to have the browser notify them when the web server wants to store some.

Currently, most browsers come configured by default to block the installation of advertising cookies or third parties on your computer. The user can expand the source restrictions, preventing the entry of any type of cookie, or, on the contrary, eliminate said restrictions, accepting the entry of any type of cookies. If the user has voluntarily modified the browser settings to accept advertising or third-party cookies, such action will mean that they consent to the processing of their data for advertising purposes.

Similarly, the user can activate:

Private browsing, whereby their browser stops saving browsing history, website passwords, cookies, and other information from the pages they visit; or

Do Not Track feature, whereby the browser asks the websites visited not to track their browsing habits to, for example, serve advertising of their interest on the sites they visit.

5. Official Guide and Information on the Use of Cookies:

The following link includes didactic videos in the form of video tutorials that explain, step by step, how to configure the privacy options of the most common browsers, social networks, and mobile operating systems: https://www.aepd.es/areas/internet/protege-tu-privacidad.html

You can get more information about cookies on the Internet: https://www.incibe.es/protege-tu-empresa/blog/cookies-empresas-ciberseguridad

Considering how the Internet and websites work, we do not always have information about the cookies that third parties place through our website. This especially applies to cases where our website contains what are called embedded elements: texts, documents, images, or brief videos that are stored elsewhere but displayed on our website or through it.

Therefore, if you encounter this type of cookies on this website and they are not listed above, please let us know. Or directly contact the third party to request information about the cookies they place, the purpose and duration of the cookie, and how they have ensured your privacy.

Similarly, there are services available that have been specially developed to provide users with an updated list of cookies and other tracking mechanisms, such as:

  • http://www.ghostery.com
  • http://disconnect.me
  • http://www.youronlinechoices.com/es/

6. Right to Information:

Upon request, SCRABIN will immediately inform you in writing, in accordance with applicable law, if we have stored any of your personal data, and what this data is. If you are registered as a user, we offer you the possibility to personally consult your data and, if necessary, proceed with its deletion, modification, and/or updating.

If you have any doubts, comments, or suggestions about our website, please address them in writing to SCRABIN at:

  • Address: Calle Padre Luque, número 1, 1º Iz. - 04001 - Almeria – España
  • Email: [email protected]

Legal Notice drafted and revised as of May 15, 2024.