que es linkedin

What is LinkedIn and what is it for?

LinkedIn this, LinkedIn that…

“If you want to look for a job, get on LinkedIn. You want to apply for a job, get on LinkedIn.”

Some say it’s a job portal, others say it’s a professional social network, many say it’s a “Curriculum Vitae”, I’ve even heard it’s a marketing platform and a place to advertise.

You’ve heard LinkedIn all over the place, but you don’t quite understand how it works, that’s how I felt at first too, don’t worry.

Here’s everything you need to know, I’m sure it’s all pretty clear to you.

Although I have to warn you, once you start using LinkedIn you won’t be able to stop using it, it’s addictive (but a good addiction, for the record).

Let’s start with what LinkedIn is

According to LinkedIn itself, they are the largest professional social network in the world, with more than 300 million active users per month, a platform with the objective of connecting professionals, recruiters and students from all over the world.

But what exactly is it for? Let’s take a look.

What is LinkedIn for?

If you want to succeed in the working world, you need to know LinkedIn like the back of your hand.

Do you want to find a job? LinkedIn is your place. Do you want to expand your professional contacts? LinkedIn is your place. Do you want to make your skills and achievements known worldwide? Guess what, LinkedIn is your site.

But that’s not all, LinkedIn is also the perfect place to research companies and prepare for a job interview, as well as being an endless source of relevant content for your career.

Basically, LinkedIn is the social network that needs to nurture any professional who wants to stand out and advance their career.

If you re not on LinkedIn yet, you’re missing out on a great opportunity.

What makes LinkedIn different from other social networks?

It is a professional social network, you will not see cat videos, funny motorcycle crashes without context, photos in which you look gorgeous, flirting, nothing like that.

It is a social network where you will find and create content related to your profession, where you will connect with experts in the field and it is the best platform to make a name for yourself as a subject matter expert.

And no, LinkedIn is not a boring “social network”, that’s outdated now.

You will find memes, infographics, fun facts, debates, reviews… Another social network perfect for “Scrolling” while you’re in the bathroom (and healthier than TikTok, it must be said).

In addition, on LinkedIn you can find discussion groups and pages specialized in your sector, so you have no excuse to keep up to date on relevant topics and meet other professionals with similar interests.

And I’ll give you a heads up, having a healthy, nurtured and cared for professional profile on LinkedIn(like L’oreal) is a HUGE competitive advantage over other professionals in your industry.

How does LinkedIn work?

As in any other social network, the core is in the users, it is the users themselves who leave our presence, who contact each other, who publish job offers and who offer our services.

LinkedIn simply helps give visibility to this, recommending profiles you might be interested in and content you are likely to like, depending on how you act on the platform.

How to create a LinkedIn profile?

Okay, if you want to have a presence on the world’s largest social network, the first thing to do is to create a LinkedIn profile.

How? It’s simple, follow these steps:

  1. Register on LinkedIn: go to the LinkedIn website and follow the instructions to create an account. Don’t worry, it’s free and won’t take more than five minutes.
  2. Complete your profile: the first thing to do is to add your personal and professional information. In the LinkedIn profile, you will need to detail your studies, skills, work experience, etc. Be sure to complete all fields to make your profile more attractive to recruiters and other professionals.
  3. Add a professional profile picture: don’t cut yourself off, but don’t overdo it either, you don’t want it to look like you’re on Tinder. A good option is to use a photo in which you are facing the front and with a friendly smile.
what is linkedin

Okay, now we have the basics of the basics, the foundation, but in this post I’ll show you something more advanced.

How to search and connect with contacts on LinkedIn?

Once you have a complete profile, it’s time to take action, search and connect with contacts on LinkedIn .

To do so, you can use the search bar at the top of the screen and search by keywords, company names or specific people.

Once you find someone you are interested in, you can send a connection request .

But don’t do it in a crazy way, make sure you write a personalized message in which you explain why you want to connect with that person and how you could help each other.

You can also join groups related to your industry or interests, where you can meet other professionals and participate in debates and discussions.

And if you want to be more proactive, you can send messages to people who are not in your network, but remember that they must be professional messages and not various flirtations.

Most importantly, don’t get hung up on the number of contacts you have on LinkedIn, what matters is the quality of the connections and how you can help each other in your career.

How to use LinkedIn to find a job?

Interesting part, why many people sign up for the first time on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the perfect platform for finding jobs and connecting with potential employers.

To start, make sure your profile is complete and up to date.

Make sure your profile picture is professional and your description is clear and concise. and that your description is clear and concise.

You can also highlight your most important skills and achievements in your profile.

Then, use the job search function to find jobs that match your skills and experience.

You can also follow companies that interest you and keep an eye on their job postings.

And if you’re a bit more proactive, use Scrab.in to find jobs.

Don’t forget to connect with other professionals in your industry and grow your network.

Even if they are not offering work, they can serve as a source of information and advice.

Remember, LinkedIn is not just for finding jobs, you can also create and consume content related to your industry and grow your reputation as a subject matter expert.

How to use LinkedIn for business and networking?

It’s not just a social network for recruiters and recruits, it’s by far the most money-making platform in the world.

Having a presence as an expert and as a brand on LinkedIn is the difference between you and your competition.

You can find your target audience on LinkedIn and contact them from there in several ways: With the search engine, by joining groups, events or directly from the feed itself.

And you can do it en masse and on autopilot with Scrab.in.

Tips for using LinkedIn effectively

Here are some tips on how to use LinkedIn effectively:

  1. Don’t limit yourself to your current job description: Take advantage of the “About” section to tell your professional story, your goals, skills and achievements. Build an identity.
  2. Publish content regularly: Create interesting posts about your field. And don’t forget to interact with other users, like and comment on their posts.
  3. Use keywords: Include keywords in your profile that describe your experience and skills so that others can easily find you when searching. But don’t just use generic terms, think of specific words in your field that differentiate you from the rest, where there is a search engine, there is SEO.
  4. Connect with new people: Take advantage of LinkedIn events, groups and pages to connect with people in your field and expand your network. And when you request a connection, personalize the message to explain why you are interested in connecting with that particular person.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile

If you want to differentiate yourself from other competitors (all LinkedIn users), you need to optimize your profile.

First, make sure you have a good profile picture, no selfies with weird faces or party pictures with your friends. A professional, well-lit portrait is what you need to make a good first impression.

Next, write a clear and concise headline that states what you do. Don’t waste time with cheesy phrases or silly puns, be direct and to the point.

For example: “I help Spanish companies to get more customers thanks to Outbound Marketing”.

And don’t forget to complete all the information in your profile, from your academic background to your professional skills and achievements.

The more complete your profile is, the easier it will be for others to find you and be interested in you.

Oh, and don’t be boring, try to show a bit of your personality in your profile, let it show that you are a real human being and not a boring robot.

But, be careful, don’t go overboard and avoid posting controversial or inappropriate things, or yes, that’s up to you.

Remember, your LinkedIn profile is your calling card in the professional world, so invest time in optimizing it and making it stand out.

How to publish content on LinkedIn?

Users are the engine of LinkedIn, and LinkedIn promotes activity and quality content, so if you are able to generate it, LinkedIn will reward you in the form of visibility and positioning.

I usually publish several times a week something related to my sector, if I don’t have ideas, I read other users and give my point of view on their publications.

Another idea is to ask topics to ChatGPT, but the content must be your own, eh!

The key is to be constant, which at the same time is the most complicated thing, once you get into the habit you will not stop using LinkedIn, because you will see how your profile grows and grows organically.

Request recommendations and validations

If you want to stand out on LinkedIn and show that you are a real professional, you can’t overlook recommendations and validations.

What is that? That other users let you know that you are a crack in your sector, that you know what you do and that you can be trusted.

And it’s not just a matter of egos, it can open many doors in the working world.

So don’t be afraid to ask your contacts to recommend you and validate your skills on LinkedIn.

Of course, not just anyone will do, it has to be people who really know you and can speak well of you.

And if you feel a little insecure, don’t worry, you can also offer to do it for them.

After all, this is a community and we have to help each other, right?

Final conclusions on what LinkedIn is and how it works

After having explored in depth what LinkedIn is and how it works, it is time for you to decide whether to increase your presence in this social network or not, I am already recommending you to do so.

While it can take time to build a solid profile and make valuable connections on LinkedIn, the benefits are enormous and tools like Scrab.in help you get results exaggeratedly fast.

Come on… Cheer up!

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